
North East Cornfed Beef (usually referred to as NE Cornfed Beef) is the largest feedlot operator in the state of Illinois. We have more than fifteen feedlots in the state, all of which can handle multiple thousands of cattle at a time. We were established back in 1954 by Ernest P Hooker, who took the company from nothing to a multi-million-dollar  net worth. He was succeeded in 1972 by Arthur Whalen, who grew the company even more. And in 1992 the current president took over, T. Richard Shelby. Mr. Shelby was almost killed a few months ago, when he was hit on the highway by a bus just outside of Bloomington, Illinois. But he made a complete, some would say miraculous recovery within a matter of just two months. And with him at the helm, the company can look forward to many years of solid growth.